With this program you can convert and upload the ov2-files (TomTom)to your poi-database. If it is necessary you can find an explanation (in English) at this site:
The start-up of your MIO will be a little slower. When the program runs your navigationspeed is normal again. Because I don't have a MIO myself I wasn't able to check this myself. Thanks for all your support here, it is very special!
) Questo programma converte e carica i files ov2 (Tomtom) sul vostro database. Se necessario travate le istruzioni (in inglese) su questo sito:
Nota: tradotto automaticamente con Google in italiano vedi qui:
%2Figomiofan%2Fpoi-editing%2Fpoi-editor-for-igo-or-mio%2F+&langpair=en%7Cit&hl=it&ie=UTF8 L'avvio di MIO sara' un po' lento ma a programma avviato la velocita' di funzionamento sara' di nuovo normale. Purtroppo, non avendo MIO non posso testarne il funzionamento. _____________________________________________________________________ Thanks Archie for all informations and support![;)] Angelaid="purple">quote:Originally posted by archie> Many Thanks....have a nice day !!! Alberto
'Grazie' for all the kind reactions and of course a special 'GRAZIE, GRAZIE' to DaDo for his translation (that I can't read myself, sorry). For gpvanz: I hope you don't find any mistake! But if you do, and this is of course also for all the other users, please report Parafoeter or me, so that we can improve our work! For Barbara: from a Danish user I have received a Danish version of my website. I hope it to bring "on air" this weekend. So if you want to translate my whole site into Italian too, I promise you that after receiving the translation my site will be visible whitin a few days time in your own language! Thanks again for all your support! Ciao, Archie ps: your administrator was so kind to place a link on this site too >
quote:Originally posted by pignet79> Hi Emanuela, If you have one of the latest Medions (I think 4 or 5) than send me an e-mail (click on the postbox on my site) so that I have your e-mailadress. After that I will return a manual that I have received yesterday. In my update of May it wil be part of the zip-files on my site. Ciao, Archie
Hi Archie! Compliments for your work! it's wonderful! Unfortunately I don'd have a famous navigator and so i've some problems to copy your precious files!!i don't know how to do... my navigator is a MEDION without the gps coordinates, i can only write the 's for this reason that your files don't run?i have downloaded them and i've sent to my sd card but i don't know if it's correct!![:(][:(] Anyway thanks for your work!! Ciao Emanuela >
(for the poi’s)
(for additional information and xls- and axe-files) A lot of “navigation-pleasure” during your holidays from Archie (Please translate this message in your own language in this messageboard.)
Per ulteriori informazioni e files .xls e axe
Via auguro una “piacevole navigazione” durante le vacanze! ___________________________________________________________________ Bye![;)]id="purple">quote: Ciao,............................................. .................................................. Bye![;)]id="purple"> >> Hi Angela, Thanks for your translations!!![:D] Bye, Archie
quote:Originally posted by archie> Hi Emanuela, Have you succeeded installing the pdi's on your MEDION with the information I've sent you? If you have, please let me know so I can help other MEDION-users the same way. Kindly regards, Archie
quote:Originally posted by pignet79> Hi Emanuela, If you have one of the latest Medions (I think 4 or 5) than send me an e-mail (click on the postbox on my site) so that I have your e-mailadress. After that I will return a manual that I have received yesterday. In my update of May it wil be part of the zip-files on my site. Ciao, Archie
Hi Archie! Compliments for your work! it's wonderful! Unfortunately I don'd have a famous navigator and so i've some problems to copy your precious files!!i don't know how to do... my navigator is a MEDION without the gps coordinates, i can only write the 's for this reason that your files don't run?i have downloaded them and i've sent to my sd card but i don't know if it's correct!![:(][:(] Anyway thanks for your work!! Ciao Emanuela >
) Please translate this message in this forum
) ___________________________________________________________________ bye![;)]id="purple">quote:Originally posted by Ribuzio> Hi Maurizio, I am afraid I have to tell you that it is not possible to install pdi's in a Becker navigationssytem. I am really sorry for you. As soon as it is possible, I assure you from the moment it is, you will find the files on my website! Sorry for now. Ciao, Archie
hi Archie, congratulations for a job well done..very kind of you to put it online free of charge, that's real nice. I visited your site but I am afraid I cannot download the files since I own a Becker as navigator. Could you tell me something about? Since you are so good in these things do you know by chance if there is any site like yours about Tunisia? Thanks very much, best regards Maurizio >
quote:Originally posted by GiaccoB> Hi Giacomo, Leuk om hier een reactie in het Nederlands (of voor mij nog dichter bij huis Vlaams) aan te treffen. Ik weet niet welke Belgische campersite je bedoelt. Mijn site wordt op diverse Belgische sites en in diverse forums vermeld. Als je echter een specifieke site in gedachten hebt waarop nog niet naar mijn site wordt verwezen en je vindt het nuttig of wat dan ook dat dat wel gebeurt, dan zou ik het zeer op prijs stellen dat je dat voor me doet. Eerlijk gezegd vind ik het namelijk zelf wat genant worden om op deze manier steeds mijn eigen site te promoten, maar anderzijds wil ik wel dat zoveel mogelijk mensen van al het werk dat gedaan is, kunnen profiteren! Slukes, Archie
Hallo Archie ! Heb je uw adres reeds doorgegeven op de belgische campersite ? Ziet er interressant uit ! In italiano: Ciao archie: hai gia messo il tuo sito sul sito belga ? Mi sembra molto interressante ! Ciao Giacomo >
quote:Originally posted by archie> I've sended you the same question, so you don't need to replay. All the best !! Stefano
quote:Originally posted by Ribuzio> Hi Maurizio, I am afraid I have to tell you that it is not possible to install pdi's in a Becker navigationssytem. I am really sorry for you. As soon as it is possible, I assure you from the moment it is, you will find the files on my website! Sorry for now. Ciao, Archie
hi Archie, congratulations for a job well done..very kind of you to put it online free of charge, that's real nice. I visited your site but I am afraid I cannot download the files since I own a Becker as navigator. Could you tell me something about? Since you are so good in these things do you know by chance if there is any site like yours about Tunisia? Thanks very much, best regards Maurizio >